Kindness is what we do for others and niceness I believe is a heart attitude ❤
Life Goals and advice ... some humor ... blog stories ... a lot of snacking and napping
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
In this "New Year" invest in your own good health ... start with a good Omega-3 with Vitamin D3. Please visit to order this great product. Thank you sweet friends, cindy
Monday, December 25, 2017
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Saturday, December 09, 2017
Thursday, December 07, 2017
Gifts Galore
If you are looking for some beautiful gifts or stocking stuffers ... please visit it is chock full of beautiful photos of nature and travel photos, and much much more. Such as, beautiful desk calendars (which I have and love) and printable snowflake gift tags just to mention a few of her products ... beautiful, beautiful products 🎁
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
It's Hard Work Wearing a Neck Scarf...
Don't light yourself on fire walking by a candle
Be careful drinking coffee, hot chocolate, tea or Holiday dip
Making spaghetti sauce
car doors can be hazardous
dunking it in the toilet
try to untangle yourself from a seat belt
You forget it's not a napkin
Playing with a baby could lead to strangulation & death
But ... It does feel delightful to wear
Monday, December 04, 2017
Dad had "Technical Difficulties" with his blog ... ... because I was helping him ... Yikes!
He's been posting his story "Deathwind" on his blog for the last several days ... Please check it out! Not bad for a 92 year old ... 💜
Friday, November 24, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Only in America ... OR planet Pluto (yes, planet)
You suffer from chronic tummy issues and suddenly an advertisement flashes across the screen for "Gas-Bee-Gone"! You're elated ... Yippee! ... you grab your wallet.
Then after the very clever commercial they blend in ... don't take this medicine if you have stomach issues ... What?!?
Recently had breakfast or sleep more than 4 hours a night because it may cause gluttony or insomnia ... huh?!?
May cause heavy breathing ... deep depression ... constipation and diarrhea or death ... Yikes!?!
You may crave brownies and popcorn and desire to spend endless hours of lying on your couch waiting for "Gas-Bee-Gone" commercials.
Wake-up & lay off the very spicy food ...😊
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Thank you MOM! I'm so thankful that at the sweet age of 2'ish ... that you taught me the children's prayer "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" ... I prayed that prayer faithfully every night clear into my late teens. It connected me to God and his presence. It wasn't until my early 20's that I became a Christian but that sweet ... sweet prayer kept me anchored. What a beautiful Thanksgiving 🍂
Sunday, November 19, 2017
We're often plagued by our mistakes ....many many mistakes ... and so we wander in the land of what-ifs. I moved out of that land into the I-dids. I treasure my I-dids ... and I did give birth to two beautiful & wonderful children and I introduced them to Christ ... A life well lived my heart says 💕
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
"Emotional Exhaustion" .... Who hasn't been there .... "GinMax" is a wonderful blend of fermented red & white ginseng ... promoting mental alertness & focus. Supporting all-natural physical and mental energy. To purchase a bottle of "GinMax" with 120 tablets ... please visit my site Please feel free to leave any questions ... Happy Holidays Sweet Friends
Sunday, November 12, 2017
A great product is it's own great sales pitch ... visit and order our Omega-3 with Vitamin D3 ... the best of both worlds ... from the sun to the sea 🐟🐟
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Thursday, November 09, 2017
The Power of Being "Nice"
When you offer your help to be nice ... be prepared to give it
Being nice inspires a quiet attitude ...
1Thessalonians 4:11-12 " And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing." KJV
Monday, October 23, 2017
My American Bucket List:
#1. Visit my home town
#2. Visit Carmel, California and drive along the Western Coast
#3. Instead of traveling to all 50 states ... try 50 state recipes
#4. Visit "The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary" prayer garden again in Phoenix, Az.
#5. Visit the Oregon Korean War Memorial ... Wilsonville, Oregon
#6. Visit Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas
#7. Visit The National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana and then visit the set of NCIS
New Orleans
to be cont'd.
#1. Visit my home town
#2. Visit Carmel, California and drive along the Western Coast
#3. Instead of traveling to all 50 states ... try 50 state recipes
#4. Visit "The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary" prayer garden again in Phoenix, Az.
#5. Visit the Oregon Korean War Memorial ... Wilsonville, Oregon
#6. Visit Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas
#7. Visit The National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana and then visit the set of NCIS
New Orleans
to be cont'd.
Friday, October 20, 2017
I love this new 2 minute video ... I invite you to enjoy the New You Video ... ... Always searching for a Life of Wellness
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Two Things:
1. don't forget your eclipse glasses
2. don't forget I'm old ... ha
Today is the last day of my 30-day weight loss plan and I promised my before and after pictures (be sure to take small children out of the room) I finally deleted those photos since they were popping up everywhere ... ha.... I could not post a tweet about my blog without that ugly "before" picture everywhere.
Do I feel like running out and eating a pizza? Nah .... I actually feel fantastic. I've lost 7 pounds and 11 inches. I'm not craving bread ... sweets or my famous homemade popcorn.
I am addicted now to the Truhealth nutritional "Pumpkin Spice" shake mix ... OMGosh!!! Love it. I plan on staying on the shakes for breakfast. Very filling.
To check out this program please visit
1. don't forget your eclipse glasses
2. don't forget I'm old ... ha
Today is the last day of my 30-day weight loss plan and I promised my before and after pictures (be sure to take small children out of the room) I finally deleted those photos since they were popping up everywhere ... ha.... I could not post a tweet about my blog without that ugly "before" picture everywhere.
Do I feel like running out and eating a pizza? Nah .... I actually feel fantastic. I've lost 7 pounds and 11 inches. I'm not craving bread ... sweets or my famous homemade popcorn.
I am addicted now to the Truhealth nutritional "Pumpkin Spice" shake mix ... OMGosh!!! Love it. I plan on staying on the shakes for breakfast. Very filling.
To check out this program please visit
Thanks so much for following along with me on this 30 day journey which is now a life quest ... to be in better health and doing something about it myself. Love to you all ❤
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Thank heavens for smarter than you friends ... One of my smarter friends, sweetly told me that she went to my site to order one of the TruPLENISH Shakes and I didn't have those on my site. DUH!! When putting my site together I only put a few products on it and after having over 1000 people visit this site and very few orders I'm thinking that maybe I should have put products on the site. Ha. Live and learn. Thank you sweet friends if you visited this site and couldn't find what you were looking for please sign in there and leave me a message. I'm slow but I'm learning ...... love you all! ❤
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
I wasn't hoping to feel 40 again, or even 50 years old. I just wanted to feel better ... healthier.
And I do.
Sunday, October 08, 2017
Saturday, October 07, 2017
Friday, October 06, 2017
6th update ... I love this weight loss program .... I've lost 10 inches in the last 3 weeks and still at that dastardly 6 pound loss ... ha. Lots and lots of energy 🏃 To check out this program please go to or
Sunday, October 01, 2017
5th Update ... Evidently I have tunnel vision ... I was so focused on achieving weight loss on this diet plan that I didn't notice the long range benefits I was receiving ... All new eating habits, off bread, not craving sweets ... although I am hooked on the vanilla truplenish shake with frozen mixed berries ... Yikes!!!
2 more weeks to go and I feel like a success already :)
To check out this program please go to or
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
4th Update ... Still stuck on 6 pounds lost ... but, hooked on my homemade vegie soup ... the best part is my blood sugar still in the 90's ... my true goal is to get off my insulin and whittle down the belly buddy. So far so good.... "21 days left." To check out this program please go to or
Friday, September 22, 2017
Starting my 2nd week today and still at 6 pounds lost but, 7 inches lost all together. (yes ... 3 of those on my belly buddy) ... looking forward to changing up my menu for this next week. My blood sugars are still low ... yippee! To check out this 30-day truhealth program go to 🍲 I'm trying to find some great soup recipes ... Fun!!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
2nd update ... over 6 pounds lost since Friday ..A very delicious 5 days. Favorite Shake? Vanilla with mixed berries ... Yummy. My blood sugars are still in the 90's ... great. To check out this program please go to
Sunday, September 17, 2017
1st update .... over 3 pounds lost since Friday ... Berry shakes and banana shakes ... delicious vegie steamers and chicken breasts ... I feel great and my blood sugars are in the 90's ... Wow!!! To check out this program please visit
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Countdown "1" more day .... then I start my 30 day weight loss plan! My shopping list is ready for tonight ... fruits, vegies, fish, chicken, etc. Berry Shake for breakfast ... Whoo-Hoo!!! To check out this program please go to
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Countdown "2" more days until I start my 30 day weight loss plan ... I'm carving out a lifestyle I'm so excited about!!! Got my kit yesterday ... Shakes ... shakes ... can't wait! To check out this program please go to & check out the free video
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Countdown "3" more days until I start my 30 day weight loss plan ... I'm dusting off my blender!!! Shakes ... Shakes!!! To see this program please go to check out the free video
Monday, September 11, 2017
Countdown "4" more days until I start my 30 day weight loss ... I'll be posting before & after photos after day 30 ... This is fair warning (You won't be able to unsee them) :)
Sunday, September 10, 2017
5 more days and I start on my 30 day TruHealth weight management program ... Yippee ... I'm resisting the urge to cheeseburger binge until then ... Ha. For a FREE no obligation video that outlines my new lose-weight-before-the-holidays program go to
Saturday, September 09, 2017
I want to look as good as I feel ... I'm excited to try our 30 day TruHealth System .... a new look and a healthier me ... Yikes! I'm planning to start on the 15th ... can't wait. Go to my website for a FREE no obligation video that outlines how YOU too can also become a healthier you!
Friday, September 01, 2017
When was the last time you felt really healthy? ... burn the fat without the buzz ...
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
"Good Health Doesn't Mean a Size 2" ... Omega 3's with Vitamin D3 in one great gel cap...
Love them.
Love them.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Yes, to order the Omega-3's with Vitamin D3 ... it's easy ... Just visit Easy. I love their great health benefits and the help with my inflammation issues. Thank you my sweet friends for asking.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
Could I be any denser? Probably. I was noticing that I've had over 600 people visit my site but, no one had ordered any vitamins or looked at the weight loss program, etc. Well, I put our M5M program on the front (feeding the children) and not our truhealth products .... SO, I changed it up and I pray this will help. As always, I'd love some good criticism from you my sweet friends ... I'm always honored to have your help.
I told everyone I would never do this ... BUT.... my curiosity got the better of me :( I went to and had my DNA tested. I was pretty confident I knew what my background was ... I've been saying all my life I'm French Canadian Indian with some Swedish and Germany .... NOT!! To my surprise I'm 44% Irish and 21% western Europe and 11% Great Britain .... Yikes!!! Am I adopted??? Just kidding mom :) If you need me I'll be in my room practicing my new accent.
Tuesday, August 01, 2017
When you have tummy issues ... a bucket list takes on a whole new meaning! Check out GI-ZYME at
Sunday, July 30, 2017
I'm not expecting perfect health ... I'm looking for better health. I love our vitamins "PhytoMatrix" and "Bounceback" with turmeric (to help me keep walking) ... please visit
Friday, July 21, 2017
It's Friday and you're heading home ... you've got your briefcase or tote bag ... your lunch bag ... your phone ... your laptop and your coffee cup ... your coat ... your purse and you're finally heading home!
Then ... you notice your desk calendar is crooked on your desk .... rats!!! An OCD leaner puts everything down and straightens the calendar ... that's who we are. That's who we are. But hey, our desk looks good and we're happy.
Then ... you notice your desk calendar is crooked on your desk .... rats!!! An OCD leaner puts everything down and straightens the calendar ... that's who we are. That's who we are. But hey, our desk looks good and we're happy.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
In case you are wondering ... just suppose you are preparing to send an email to someone... anyone ... and you are adding an attachment. You have nothing on your desktop screen ... no icons of any kind just the attachment you are sending.
You add it to your email BUT, you have to open it just in case you are sending anything else (that may be secret). It is the correct attachment and you hit send. AND YES, you are an OCD Leaner ... (welcome to the club)
You add it to your email BUT, you have to open it just in case you are sending anything else (that may be secret). It is the correct attachment and you hit send. AND YES, you are an OCD Leaner ... (welcome to the club)
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Here is my problem ... I'm reading a lot about improving my health and reversing my diabetes so I was annoyed to read in more than one article that we should reward ourselves once a week with a special treat. What?!
Reward myself for eating healthy? I think I'll just stick to my own successful Health Journey ... when you get a moment I invite you to visit Let's get healthy together!
Reward myself for eating healthy? I think I'll just stick to my own successful Health Journey ... when you get a moment I invite you to visit Let's get healthy together!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Wednesday, July 05, 2017
I Have More Issues Than One Too Many Cookies
So defining my own Healthy Journey was just the ticket I needed to get me started ... Plus feeding the malnourished children of the world (my passion) ... what a wonderful combination. Please come and join us for this exciting adventure.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The Roman Soldier
Fall upon me Blood of Jesus
You alone are all I seek
I raised my spear against the wind ... orders ringing
"Pierce his side."
My robust pride feels so meek
Stinging tears and pounding rain
blinding me ... I close my eyes
I bow my head consumed with shame
afraid to aim
But aim I do and feel the warmth
your strength
Fall upon me Blood of Jesus
You pierced my heart & soul
It's you alone now that I need
Your blood has made me whole
Fall upon me Blood of Jesus
C Riley
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
My daily supplements are plant based ... so when I saw an article on eating plant based meals (mostly) ... I'm thinking ... duh!
I'm going to give it a try ... wish me luck and I welcome any good ideas you may know of. 🍏 Please visit when you have a moment
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Over-Eating has little to do with feeling hungry for me ... it was feeling unhealthy.
Please visit:
I would love you to join my team & journey together towards better health.
I never dreamt this would be so effective and so much fun!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Without your bible can you find the names of 17 Books? One has been solved to help.
Have fun!
I was remarking to my friend John how I love my new job. My last boss Ezra was ruthless. Firing Esther my friend as she brews a pot of tea. He didn't like her creative writing even though she was a pro verb wise. He replaced her with Joel and Amos ... He may find himself with more mistakes and in a jam especially with how those two argue. They may have had us in numbers but, their acts of we're Kings & bad behaviors had forced the rest of us to exodus. Please don't be judges to our revelations. We're all much happier now.
Wednesday, June 07, 2017
Starting a Home Business (besides Freelance Writing) and not being a technological genius is not easy ... My passion for feeding our malnourished children however has been pushing me to get with the game plan ... I'm loving it! Who knew ... ha. I invite you to visit my link and let me know what you think ... blessings.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Saturday, May 06, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Wednesday, April 05, 2017
Friday, February 24, 2017
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Monday, January 09, 2017
Sunday, January 01, 2017
"100" Days of Writing Tips & Ideas
Day 1 - Put on your listening ears ... writing down interesting names & ideas for titles ...
Keep track with your favorite pen & journal (I can't be the only one with favorites)
Day 2 - I use my clipboard full of binder paper to capture those post-a-notes that I can't
seem to resist writing on. I transfer those thoughts & ideas to my journal ... I'd
rather save a fragment of an idea than to wonder later what it was I had thought of.
Write .... write ✐
Day 3 - The love of being a writer emerges from being an avid reader.
Read .... write and read some more ✐
Day 4 - Years ago I started an A-Z picture file. A good place to put old calendar pictures ...
greeting cards & magazine pictures ... I'm a sucker for anything with a balloon.
Write .... write ..... draw and write some more ✐
Day 5 - Gift yourself with a label maker ... organize your files ... label your containers of
office supplies & your snacks
Write .... snack .... write and snack some more ✐
Day 6 - Embrace thinking about your writing ... think of ways to enjoy writing new ideas.
If you love to cook ... write down recipes and send them to friends ... Write a cookbook ...
remember how brilliant I was back in 1987 throwing away a cartoon cookbook because we
all agreed the title was stupid ... "Cookbooks for Dummies" .... don't throw anything away!
Think ... write & think some more ✐
Day 7 - Have the latest Writer's Market book ... don't rely on old information.
Don't be afraid to send out query letters for your book ideas ... research the right
publishers for your ideas ... children's books or cozy romances ... mystery books,
cookbooks or game ideas and greeting card verses.
Read ... research ... think .... snack and write ✐
Day 8 - You entertaining short story writers ... Mystery or Romance check out Woman's World
Magazine. They pay $1000 for a short story. Buy the magazine every week and look them up
in the Writer's Market Book ...get to know what they are looking for ... So Fun!!!
Read ... read ... and write some more ✐
Day 9 - Be sure to Track your submissions ... I use a simple system involving a heavy children's
tablet page (the only thing missing is crayons)
I tried to download a copy of here but, the computer is still laughing ... it includes
Title Where Sent When Sent When Back Sold Payment comments
Be sure to keep a Submission Tracker with each article you've submitted (in its file)
You can design your Submission Tracker any way you like ... 🐾
Keep a file for your rejection slips ... yes, you'll get them.Track ... track ... snack and write some more ✐
Day 10 - Try to simplify your daily planner ... yes, I know their cute & hard to resist. Eventually
you'll quit recording items when there is too many places to write in.
I have a work planner (I use for everything) and a simple one for recording articles, stories,
etc. that my folks and I have submitted to publishers. This simplifies our individual writing
submissions. 👀
Write .... write and write some more ✐
Day 11- Usually when I start a project, I come up with the Title ... then the very last sentence.
coloring in the middle with interesting plots and words ... not so easy.
Even though I'm always thinking about writing (sandwiched in between snacks and naps) I
try not to have a rigid schedule... (although that may work for others) I try to be flexible
and write often. I enjoy writing bits and pieces all day.
When the seasons of my life change and my responsibilities are different I stretch my writing
around the slivers of time available. Oh sure, I could give up a nap or two but, that is often
where I get some great ideas.
Nap... dream .... day dream ... write and write some more ✐
Day 12- When writing find a method that works for you ... pen & binder paper on a clipboard ... mini
recorder ... laptop ... kids tablet and pencils (yes, that's my preferred method). If it makes you
happy and if ideas start flying about ... Voila!!! ... Success.
Write ... write ... and write some more ✐
Day 13- Daydreaming is an essential resource for a writer
Dream .... dream and dream some more ✐
Day 14- Research is your BFF.... the Library is researches BFF. Schedule time to visit your local
library. Make sure your card is up to date and enjoy hanging out with your friends ... the
Books!!! Even I would pass up a peanut buster parfait to visit a bookstore or office supply
Research ... research... research then write some more ✐
Day 15- Give yourself a break ... don't worry about rushing your projects. I have been working on a
personal writing project for over 7 years and have enjoyed gathering information and have
yet begun the actual writing process. It will stay in the gathering season for awhile.
I'm one of those writer's who has lots of ideas (that's why I store them in a file) but, not that
many that are commercially a winner.
I love it when a movie or a book comes out with the same idea I was working on ... it makes
me feel in tuned. It's a privilege to write for others ... and a little success would be okay to.
Gather ... write and gather some more ✐
Day 16- Creating a verse of poetry is relaxing and rejuvenating. If you are one of those dedicated
poets I salute you. My attempts always wind up in my greeting card idea file. I have on
occasion sold a poem or two in my first years of writing. I wish I had kept up with it more
Poetry cleans the fog out for me ... I just needed a gentle reminder
Create ... write... create and write some more ✐
Day 17- Challenge yourself .... write a blog ... use twitter ... get a cool small fat tablet and write
something every day on each page ... even if it's just the date. We ARE writer's.
Write .... write ... write ... and write some more ✐
Day 18- Don't envy the success of other writer's ... be inspired!
Write ... write ... write ... and write some more✐
Day 19- Embrace the stamp ... snail mail is not dead! Send out entertaining notes to your friends ...
Occasionally I will send out a crossword puzzle idea to a friend ... I have posted short stories
to my blog ... I put out chapter one to a story and YET to go any further (my apologies to
those friends waiting for chapter two of Douglas Danner-C.I.)
Get those query ideas out in the mail.
Write ... write and mail ✐
Day 20- Start at the beginning ... develop your ideas ... research your markets and keep writing.
Write ... write and write some more ✐
Day 21- Quiet Time is not essential for my writing ... I write anytime .... anywhere. It's wonderful
when you can get some quality quiet time but, usually I use it for a nap.
Write .... write .... nap and write some more ✐
Day 22- When asking someone you trust to evaluate your writing, prepare yourself for some
criticism. If they say everything is wonderful .... and fabulous ..... find someone who will
give you honest criticism. Criticism that will challenge you. Your ideas may be wonderful
and fabulous .... But, our writing should be critiqued before an editor gets it.
Write ... write.... and write some more ✐
Day 23- My 91 year old dad is back at it on his blog ... He has been
busy writing on a new story and book. I do his typing and submissions so it keeps me busy.
but, when you help others discover the joy of writing it gives new life to your own gift.
Read and enjoy the work of others ... then write some more ✐
Day 24- Don't waste a good idea by not writing it down.
Write and write and then write some more ✐
Day 25- Writing is a lifetime journey.
Write and read and write some more ✐
Day 26- Sometimes ideas need to marinate for a few months or even a few years.
Think and write then think some more ✐
Day 27- If you are a walker & a thinker ... take along a mini recorder and capture those thots
Walk and think and walk some more then think some more ✐
Day 28- A messy desk is a delight.
Make notes..... think...... Make more notes.... think some more ✐
Day 29- When I lived in Arizona about 35 years ago I rented a house that had a whole wall bulletin
board built in. I was in hog heaven. I used it to put up chapter headings and chapter ideas ...
It was a sticky note thing of beauty.
When I moved from there I started using the back of my bedroom door or if I had sliding
closet doors they became my work board. I loved it. To see your ideas in front of you is so
rewarding... give it a try. (unless you have a cat and then all bets are off)
Write .... organize .... and write some more ✐
Day 30- If you have too many projects going at once I got some beautiful tote bags for a few dollars
at my nearest grocery store and put a tote on an over the door hanger. One for ideas and now
I have several totes where I can put ideas in progress that I don't want to get lost in the
Write .... write and write some more ✐
Day 31- Don't underestimate quiet time ... dust off your brain cells & let them recharge.
Rest ... think and rest some more ✐
Day 32- Your internal editor-self loves to step all over your creative-self ... so after your writing each
day, set it aside before editing for a day or two.
Write .... write .... set aside .... and write some more ✐
Day 33- Writing in a journal every day helps if you are having trouble writing every day. Buy a
cheap composition book and mark the first page with your birth year and every other page
go up a year until you reach your present age. Try to fill in those pages with your life. You
will be surprised how much you have done. And it doesn't have to be public reading ...
it's just for your thoughts.
Write and think and then think some more ✐
Day 34- If you are working on a novel (fact or fiction) be sure to make notes about each chapter...
this will make writing that dreaded synopsis so much easier.
Write and organize .... then write some more ✐
Day 35- Enjoy what you are writing ... there will always be better writers than ourselves. Let them
inspire you and hang out with better writer's (that's what I do)
Be inspired and write ... then write some more ✐
Day 36- Ideas often pop up when it's most inconvenient ... so if you're dining out with friends go
ahead and use your napkin ... or placemat ... or theirs ... we are an eccentric bunch.
Capture those thoughts .... write and write some more ✐
Day 37- When well meaning folks keep asking you if you've sold anything ... just answer "Not Yet"
and keep writing. Time is our friend ... we have a lifetime of hopes and dreams to write.
Write ... write and write some more ✐
Day 38- As writer's we're so easy to buy presents for ... a book of stamps, a nice pen ... a dictionary.
It's great.
Write .... write ... and write some more ✐
Day 39- One of the reasons I enjoy Twitter is because it's a great spot to share fun ideas in the least
amount of words. It's great practice for someone like me who loves to ramble on. You have
to bring that idea into a very few words ... I love it.
Please share your twitter address with me if you'd like ... It would be great to see what you
are posting ... here is my twitter address ... smltalkbigthngs ...
Write ... write ... be succinct ... and write some more ✐
Day 40- Writing seems hard ... because it is! Lots of folks talk about wanting to write but ... you do
the hard work. I salute you.
Write ... write ... nap then write some more ✐
Day 41- Compelling characters bring life to your story. If they feel real to you... your reader will love
them to.
Write ... and write & bring your character to life ✐
Day 42- When someone innocently asks "Penny for your thoughts" ... they have no idea you were
thinking about the villain you are creating for your suspense novel. One of my main
characters from "A Letter from Nathan" a suspense novel I'm working on is an actor from
the old TV Series ... Crazy Like a Fox ... Jack Warden. I can picture him in action as I'm
Create ... create ... create and then create some more ✐
Day 43- Big Lofty writing goals are hard to digest. Take tiny 5 minutes a day bites.... use your
favorite timer (mine's an owl) & set it for 5 minutes. Completing small goals is exhilarating.
Write ... time yourself and write some more ✐
Day 44- Don't underestimate your creativity ... thinking about ideas is not complete until you write
them down ... when you put pen to paper those ideas will explode with creativity and it will
surprise even you.
Think ... think .... and write ✐
Day 45- I love to work crossword puzzles ... I'm always working on one. I enjoy creating them ...
clues, graphs, the works. No, I haven't sold one ... not yet.
I get ideas while doing a puzzle, even if it's just an odd word or two to add to my list of "I've
got to use this word somewhere."
If you know how to work Sudoku Puzzles ... you should be writing the War & Peace sequel ...
just saying.
Exercise your brain ... write & write then write some more ✐
Day 46- I ordered a double clipboard from Amazon and I love it ... so many uses ... while building a
crossword puzzle, clues on one side ... answers on the other. Work on a story on one side and
synopsis on the other side. So handy.
Write ... write ... write and write some more ✐
Day 47-I envy writer's who have a book idea and just get to work on it ... my OCD Leaner mind
churns out about 20 ideas a day (at the least) and sometimes sap me from working on the
stories or ideas that could be productive and sellable.
This is why my little idea file has become a big file box. This helps me a lot. Every few
weeks I go through this box and make files for ideas that can go forward.
Every day that I can go forward with writing I feel like a success.
Believe in yourself ... believe ... believe and then write and write and write ✐
Day 48- Great ideas that aren't written down are still just thoughts.
Write ... write ... write ✐
Day 49- Make a list of things to-do to complete your project ... title ... index ...chapter titles ...
research ... characters ... word count ... etc. etc.
Organize your list by your priorities and use it for your plan.
Write and plan then write some more✐
Day 50- Visualize your writing projects as if they were already a reality. Do they feel real to you?
Does it feel like a chore to you ... or do you love writing?
Love your writing ... then write some more ✐
Day 51- When reading writing self-help books or articles on writing or tips such as mine ... pick out
one idea that seems of interest to you or helpful. Don't try to accomplish all things you
read ... this is your journey and sometimes the road signs are helpful along the way.
Enjoy your journey ... it's a wonderful path ... just keep writing ✐
Day 52- Your first sentence should be a whopper!
... When I first won the Mega Lottery it was so exciting until I couldn't find my ticket
... The cabin in the hills was a perfect get-away to finish my novel ... I just wasn't expecting
the bear at the back door.
A sentence to grab your readers and keep them reading.
Write ... get excited & write some more ✐
Day 53- Often times we feel like our minds are blank when it comes to writing ideas but, when you
pick up your pen and pad the ideas will come out of nowhere. Secretly hiding in the little
nooks and crannies of our imaginations ... greeting card ideas ... household hints to submit to
a magazine ... a good recipe to send to a friend ... that title you've been searching for.
Ideas are there ... they just love to jump out when you're driving or sitting in the dentist chair.
The ideas will come ... then write & write and write some more ✐
Day 54- I love to draw ... especially cartooning. When I was younger I used to dream of illustrating
my own children's books. I had scrapbooks of my drawing and I even had a comic strip
published many years ago. But, then life happened and I quit drawing at some point and didn't
even hang on to my earlier works.
I thought I lost that talent but, a few years ago I bought a couple small tablets and started
drawing again and slowly it's coming back.
I'm one of those folks who has always loved colored pencils and YES ... adult coloring books.
What a relief to know the joy of the comeback. Don't give up on yourself ... ever.
Draw ... write ... draw and even color ... but, keep writing 🖉
Day 55- Don't forget the fun projects of kids coloring books ... drawing paper dolls ... puzzles and
games. Crosswords ... etc. Sometimes we forget how creative we are or used to be. Take those
fun ideas you've thought of during the years and dust them off. Breathe life into them.
Create ... create and write some more ✐
Day 56- I do a lot of self-writing that gives me soul satisfaction ... journals ... letter writing ... bible
studies ... etc. Not everything is for public domain. I just love to write. It inspires me and
energizes me for story writing.
Love your writing and then write some more ✐
Day 57- It's great fun to have a "Writer's Bucket List" ... a list of things you'd like to write and
accomplish ... equipment you've been dreaming of ... a great laptop or camera ... or a writer's
get-away... things of that nature. Places you'd like to travel. Your list could be endless. I'm
always adding to mine and love when I can put a checkmark next to something I've
accomplished ... like doing a blog and an article on writing tips.
Dream and dream then write and write then write some more ✐
Day 58- There are so many genres in the writing world ... this gives us so much freedom. We can
expand our interests and ideas. From mystery/suspense to romance and comedy. SyFy to
historical ... fact or fiction. How-to ideas ...artistic endeavors ... opinions/letters to the editor.
Way Fun.
Writing gives us freedom ... setting those thoughts free that are running around in our mind.
Write and write .... have some fun then write some more 🎈
Day 59- Are you a foodie? And a writer? What a wonderful combination .... thinking about food and
writing. Creating menus and recipes every day ... exciting. Sending out recipes to friends in
notes or blogging about food. I know there are lots of blogs out there on food but ... find your
niche. Do you make amazing spaghetti? How about an article of original healthy recipes from
A-Z. The possibilities are endless. I'm working on a page for my blog about recipes ... I love
cooking also... especially on my healthy journey.
Think and create and write and then write some more 🍜
Day 60- Trust the reader ... love what you're writing! Your readers will find you ...
Write and write & write some more ✐
Day 61- Magic is at your fingertips ... bringing truths to some ... adventure to others ... a needed good
laugh to many. It's a magical world ... step into it.
Write & write and write some more 👣
Day 62- Simple truths are just that ... the more you write ... the better you get at it.
Keep writing ... then write some more ... then write some more ✐
Day 63- Challenge yourself on occasion ... write 1000 words every day for a week ... write
encouraging notes to family (even in the same house ... but, mail them) ... use pen and tablet
this week to write your notes (there is a certain closeness to seeing your thoughts up close).
Enjoy your craft.
Write and write and write ✐
Day 64- Do you love "The Goonies" ... or "Sherlock Holmes" ... or "Games of Thrones & Twilight?"
How about "Person of Interest" or "Stargate?" The great thing about movies or TV shows is
that they often inspire little sparks of ideas. Ideas motivate and encourage us ... gifting us with
an abundance of thoughts we can use productively in our own writing. Get out the popcorn.
Enjoy the talents of others .... then write and write and write 🍿
Day 65- Yikes! Good adjectives are worth their weight in gold. When you run across great verbs or
adjectives ... write them down. You'll be glad you did. Another List? Of course ... ha.
Write ... and write and write ... then write some more ✐
Day 66- The great thing about being a writer is that we don't punch a time card. We slip our talents in
between ... fixing dinner ... bathing the kids ... coffee breaks at work and weekends. Freedom is
our middle name and we are the boss. We make the choice to write or not. I remember years
ago packing up my ideas and waiting several years before getting back to it. Having a life is not
wasted years ... it was great to come back to what I love to do.
Enjoy your writing ... then write and write and write some more ✐
Day 67- One exciting writing journey is a "Correspondence Ministry" ... sending notes to strengthen
others ... giving comfort to the fearful ... rescuing someone who is discouraged. Sending a note
in an I-Miss-You fashion.
Write and write and write some more ✐
Day 68- Writers are ageless ... I've watched my 87 year old mom write every day on her books. She
has finished a 292 page cozy mystery and half way into the sequel ... plus many short stories.
We have to write every day. Of course life sneaks in here and there but, we love getting back to
our talents. After the flu last month, my mom was most anxious to get better so she could get
back to her writing. That's how we writers are ... dedicated.
Write ... write and write ✐
Day 69- I am trying to break the habit of working large chunks of time on projects that will probably
never sell... I enjoy working on them but, I don't want to forget the projects that are more user
friendly ... like creating bible crossword puzzle books (I love crosswords) If I could just focus
more ... :)
Write smart and then write some more ✐
Day 70- It's hard to be patient when submitting your writing ... your genius thoughts and Pulitzer
prize winning ideas. But, editors are busy folks. Submit your idea ... be patient and get back to
writing. Such is our world.
Be patient and keep on writing ✐
Day 71- Be encouraged ... if you get a hand written note written on your form rejection slip from an
editor .... Wow!! That is awesome. Very few writers get those ... be excited.
Be excited and be encouraged and then write, write, write & write some more ✐
Day 72- All the writing tips in the world won't help if you're not writing.
Write and write and write some more ✐
Day 73- My mom was saying last night that when she first started her story and novel writing that it
helped her to draw bits from her own past and surroundings ... it gave her something to expand
Think and write ... then write some more ✐
Day 74- New at this ... thinking about writing? Think about a list of areas that interest you and write
them down:
Greeting Cards
Cooking Articles ... Hey! You're writing.
Think and write ✐
Day 75- Don't be afraid of challenging yourself ... are you an inventor? Do you have ideas for
products? Are you an innovator ... great ideas for others that you could be posting on a blog?
Comic Book designer?
I feel like a huge success if one person can relate to one of the hundred ideas I'm writing about. I
love writing so much that I challenged myself to doing this article ... lame or not ... ha.
Write and write and write✐
Day 76- When you order The Writer's Market book ... enjoy it from cover to cover. They have great
query letter advice ... tips from authors, etc. It's a treasure.
Read and read then write some more ✐
Day 77- Feel out of ideas? Head to the library and enjoy the atmosphere ... it's a great place for
inspiration. Stuck at home? Write some note cards to friends ... it will make you feel good.
Write and write and write some more ✐
Day 78- When you are my senior age it seems like time just flies by (like a super jet) ... I want to take
advantage of any spare moments & think about what I'm writing ... about any future ideas and jot
down words or thoughts that might enhance them for my readers. Yes ... my readers ... your
readers. They are such a delight to your world. Give your readers the best you've got ... they are
worth it.
Think and write and think & write some more ✐
Day 79- Invest in yourself by writing today
Write ... write ... write and write some more ✐
Day 80- Last night I didn't take my own advice while snuggled into bed with my C-PAP mask on and
I got a great idea of something I had wanted to do ... I knew I wouldn't forget it by morning ...
wrong. I should have gotten up and wrote it down.
This after mom and I were discussing last night that when God gives her an idea for her book
during her sleeping hours ... she gets up and writes it down.
But, there is a happy ending ... I remembered it just when I was headed to the shower. Yippee!
Write it down and keep on writing✐
Day 81- What a delicious day ... take a bite out of every moment by writing your thoughts about you
in your journal or clipboard or on sticky notes. Think about you ... write about you. We're
writer's after all!
Think and think then write and write and write some more ✐
Day 82- Those pesky motivational drains ... Fatigue, ideas seem muddled, maybe too much
television... writing and writing can cause fatigue... even when we love it. Get up take a walk
outside for a few minutes. Start fresh tomorrow ... get a good nights sleep.
Rest and rest and rest some more 🛏
Day 83- Too busy to write ... Searching for a quiet moment?
We don't always need a quiet moment ... we're warrior writers. We write on napkins & old
envelopes ... we're versatile.
Grab a moment and write and write ✐
Day 84- It's all about you ... you control what you like to write. We all have friends or family who
can sometimes knock us off the track with well meaning suggestions and they derail us. I went
off the tracks for 3 or 4 years because of a remark once made to me ... "You're writing just
Christian stuff ... right?" Well, frankly no. I let good ideas slip through my fingers because I was
so stuck on writing religious articles or stories after that.
There was a big empty hole in me ... so I filled it with gambling. Then, the Lord picked me up
and filled me with so many great ideas that I felt like there was no more room for gambling.
I love to write children's adventure stories ... greeting cards ... business articles ... fiction
stories ... non-fiction ... puzzles .... I love it all! Thank goodness I came back to me after
listening to the Lord.
Listen ... listen and write and write and write ✐
Day 85- Don't just dream of being a successful writer ... see yourself there and put an action plan
together. An action plan of writing and writing. Reading writing magazines .. jotting down ideas.
Write and write and write some more ✐
Day 86- Wonderful ... wonderful readers! They encourage us ... they inspire us ... they beg us not to
kill off characters and wish we'd hurry up with the next book ... they are amazing. In your mind
imagine the thousands of folks who will be reading your works. That's what I do ... I think of
what will excite them in a children's story and fire up their imaginations. I love it. I pray you do to.
Write and write for them ... then write some more ✐
Day 87- Become "Unstoppable." We know that we have a life with responsibilities, but that's what is
so exciting about being a writer. We carve out moments in our day where we can inspire
ourselves with a great idea ... or the perfect ending for a story. Sometimes in our season of life all
we have time for is a notebook we can carry around and jot our thoughts down into. Then seasons
change and we have time to actually sit down and write. Life is an exciting journey and we are
Write and write and write some more ✐
Day 88- Some folks are blessed with that ability to really paint a scene with descriptive words. You
feel like you are right there in the midst of the action. That is not my talent. I have to really work
at it. I use dictionaries and Pictionary's, etc. Whatever I can to move the story along. Don't give
up when you reach a hard path in what you are working on. All the research you are doing will
pay off ... an enjoyable piece of written work.
Write and write & do some research and write some more ✐
Day 89- I would like to quote from Phil and Kathleen Peters authors of "What Do I Do Now?" ...
One thought at a time. One small book at a time.
Write .... write and write ✐
Day 90- Once again I was all cozy in bed with my C-PAP mask on and I started getting the idea for a
children's book. Rats! I told myself I would remember it in the morning ... yeah right. SO I got up
out of bed and wrote my idea down and low and behold I had a few more ideas tucked inside of
me. I'm so glad I got up. I went to sleep thinking about royalties.
Write and write and dream and write ✐
Day 91- We are bonded together by the love of writing and loving to read. What great friends we are.
Read and write and write some more ✐
Day 92- Being a consistent writer teaches us to be more confident in ourselves. We give more to our
family and friends ... even our jobs. Be excellent in all you do ... no one can do it for you. The
next time someone asks, "penny for your thoughts?" ... say, "I'm thinking about a new character
for my book."
Write and write and write and be excellent ✐
Day 93- When you are working on a story or a novel ... we get to be exciting characters ... characters
with humor or virtue or menacing or brave, the list is endless. We spend our time in a story that
we hope our readers will love. Embrace your imagination.
Write and enjoy then write some more ✐
Day 94- There is no such thing as a simple thought ...we're writing geniuses ... :)
Think & think ... then write some more ✐
Day 95- As a writer once in a while someone (a non-writer ..... a muggle) will suggest that I focus on
one idea and stay with it. But, wouldn't that be like tunnel vision? It's not a terrible idea but, I
live in a kaleidoscope world where my ideas are colorful and change often.
Think fantastic thoughts and write and write ... then write some more ✐
Day 96- When I first started this challenge to myself 96 days ago of sharing ideas, my goal was to
share part of my journey with someone who was interested. We all have our own journey but, it
was such a privilege to learn so much from you. I hope my next few days will be of some help
because I know I have grown from your support. Thank you.
Write and write then write some more ✐
Day 97- The perfect writer's meal ... big hot cup of coffee or tea ...peanut butter and jelly sandwich
on sourdough or BLT on homemade wheat bread. Each of us have our own favorites .. set your
own routine and love it. Find your favorite mug for coffee or tea while writing. Mini routines are
great for productivity.
Eat and write then eat some more ✐
Day 98 - What I find fascinating about writer's is that we can take a pen and a legal pad and create
worlds where our reader's are inspired ... comforted ... curious ... challenged and educated. They
turn our works into movies and TV shows ... often into other languages. All from a pen and pad.
What an exciting adventure we live.
Write and write and then write some more ✐
Day 99- Rejoice during the day when your thoughts turn to your writing ... don't think of it as a hard
task master. Writing gives us the freedom to escape into wonderful lands and characters. This
should be a pleasure .... enjoy your writing ideas.
Write and write and write & write some more ✐
Day 100- My mom (Donna Bell) will soon be 88 years old. She has had a dozen or so art instruction
books published through the years but, because of failing eyesight no longer can paint. Her
painting books are sold on EBAY and she loves giving painting advice.
She is currently working on her sequel to her first cozy/mystery book of 292 pages and over
92,000 words. She uses magnifying glasses of all sizes and works every day on this book.
My 91 year old dad (Bob Bell) is quite a writer in his own right ... working most days on the most
fascinating stories... children's and adventure.
I am the chief ... cook... bottle washer and typist. I love typing their projects and sending them
out. I get plenty of opportunity for my own projects and those two are such an inspiration.
Because that's what writer's do ... they write.
Blessings on all your writing endeavors ✐
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💜💜💜 God is so near ... Always! 💜💜💜 As always, hugs xoxoxo
BE ALERT . .. praying always ... As always, hugs xoxoxo
An outside the building elevator is definitely going on my Need - a - Bucket - List ! As always, hugs xoxoxo
Today's Plan ... listen & rely on God. As always, hugs xoxoxo