Saturday, June 14, 2014

"10" Disadvantages of Becoming an Elected Official

#1.  Your outside voice is monitored 24/7

#2.  You must remember what state you are from & the state capitol

#3.   No more ordering room service for two if you're traveling alone ... they'll know

#4.   Playing games on your lap top during meetings works only when there is not television coverage

#5.  No more noises of the natural kind

#6.   Eating a pan of brownies by yourself will end up on U-Tube ..... (along with #5)

#7.   Keep your confusion about global warming to yourself

#8.   No more watching "The Walking Dead"

#9.   Trolling thrift stores is out

#10.  Resist the temptation to say "The fact of the matter is ..."

Remember... It's NOT about you ... no, really       --- cindy riley

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  💜💜💜 God is so near ... Always! 💜💜💜 As always, hugs xoxoxo