Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What an exciting way to start the "Holidays" … a 3 day-2 night stay at a beautiful hotel in New Orleans thanks to Wish of a Lifetime.  My wish was to see the World War 2 Museum and they also gifted me with an adorable baby blue instamatic camera to document my trip for the scrapbook I'm putting together to help with my dementia. 
We had a wonderful photographer, Sherry Ott 
and we walked all along Bourbon Street
enjoying the music and art museums and of course lunch at Mahoney's.... Huge sandwiches which were delicious and Edith (my friend who shared in this adventure) and I shared a BLT.
I couldn't leave New Orleans without trying some alligator. I wanted to be adventurous.... It was delicious! 
Yes, it tastes like chicken.
The tour of the World War 2 Museum was a dream of a lifetime and the whole trip was Magical...…….. Thank you Wish of a Lifetime...… love, cindy riley xoxoxo


Potayto said...

Glad you had that adventure Gram!!

Riley's Rules said...

Thank you sweetheart … wish you could have been there.

  💜💜💜 God is so near ... Always! 💜💜💜 As always, hugs xoxoxo