Friday, December 28, 2018

A very warm thank you to our guest poet "Ginger Ourso" for sharing her Christmas thoughts... 🎄

Christmas is over,
what can I say.
The family is gone,
it's just another day.

The presents are open,
the paper is in the trash.
The food is all eaten,
the turkey is made into a hash.

The tree has been taken down,
it's the middle of the night.
Let's get a goodnight sleep,
until it turns light.

                                             Ginger Ourso - 2018

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I was just noticing that us "OCD - Leaners" will sit in the uncomfortable chair so we don't mess up the quilt we put on the comfy chair … ❤ Hugs xoxoxo

Thursday, December 20, 2018

"Those Last Christmas Moments"

While praying for others and all that they need,
and checking my list & sipping some tea
I think of my friends across so many miles,
Some dealing with pain & still flashing a smile
Enjoying this time seems to draw everyone near,
I think that these moments should continue all year

                                                                                         ★  riley - 2018

Sunday, December 09, 2018

Here is the dilemma ……. You sweep up the glitter from addressing your Christmas Cards and the glitter just lives in your broom coming out whenever it likes … creepy.  Hugs xoxoxo

Friday, December 07, 2018

"Merry Christmas" 🎄 to all that I know and love … My heart thinks about you and cares about the posts and thoughts of those I do not know 💚 It's a delight to my heart and brings health to my body to love and love and love during this "Holiday Season" … hugs xoxoxo  cindy

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Thank you for being such faithful readers of my blog while I have been on this journey fighting cancer.  I have been working on ideas for some Holiday Posts and it feels great.
You are inspiring and such an encouragement … much love and hugs to you all  💓xoxoxo

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wow … 2 months away from my very own computer … Ha. It kept calling out to me from the moving pod … :)    It's been quite a ride moving cross country on this "Cancer" Journey.

Wanting to live a life and beat this cancer my sweet brother helped me move into a cute … cute … senior apartment.  Yes, our folks are now staying with my brother and his sweetheart. Thank you Tammy.

Got all my boxes today and so I'll be back to writing but, will probable close down the Etsy Shop. Other battles to fight right now.

For my new address please send me a message...…….. God Bless you … Life's so good,  cindy

Monday, September 03, 2018

Lavender Lovers please visit CranberryStudios.Etsy.Com  and see my newest listing … I can almost smell the lavender … as always, Hugs

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Check out Donna Bell's new oil painting for sale. It's a 16x20 oil painting on canvas and framed. I love this one …. okay … I love them all 💜 please visit and as always …. hugs

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Please drop by out etsy shop … we'd love to have your thoughts Mom and I have been working hard and hoping you'll like it … as always,  hugs xoxoxo

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Hell-o Sweet Friends … since I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to make my short story "Douglas Danner" C.I. (canine investigator) into a link I'm going to have to put the whole story on my blog … rats. Ha.  I hope you'll take a few moments and give it a read. I would love to know your thoughts. As always, Hugs xoxoxo

Douglas Danner   C.I.   (Canine Investigator)
By Cindy Riley

Garrett enjoyed the walk from the edge of his property where he parked his 97’ pick-up truck. (Always have a clear get-away) he chuckled to himself as he walked the ¼ mile path to his cabin carrying a few groceries.

Garrett turned towards a clearing as he headed for home. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he saw his golden retriever “Douglas” sitting behind the water tank. Douglas was quietly waiting for him.

Garrett stashed his bag of groceries behind some bushes & crouched behind a few smaller fruit trees. Douglas didn’t move a muscle waiting for his command.

They’d been together for over seven years.  Garrett rescued him as a pup from drug dealers during a meth raid.  They had kept him in a glass gallon jar with a few air holes poked in the lid.

When they raided the house & Garrett saw him … the puppy stood up against the glass and began wagging his tail and letting out some short-excited yips.  His fur standing out like it was electrified and his sleek snout.

“Uh-oh … love at first sight,” Randy Folks his partner joked.

He was finally named Douglas and followed Garrett everywhere.  His toenails clicking all day long on the Agencies highly polished floors.  Bringing smiles to all his co-workers.

As he grew older he became quite the stealth walker.  Silently showing up at someone’s desk just when they were going to unwrap a sandwich.

Despite his floppy ears he had a serious expression & was so intuitive concerning people that he became a genuine asset to the team.

Riley – Page 2

From his vantage point Garrett could see two Black SUV’s backed and parked on the other side of his garage.  Evidently, they were expecting him to drive up his front driveway.

Douglas turned to watch the action at the cabin then back at Garrett.  His ears perked up when one of the men approached his dog house.

Garrett motioned him to come to him and when Douglas stooped to pick up something before joining him, he had to chuckle in spite of their predicament … Douglas had rescued his floppy doll “Violet” (so named for her purple dress & embroidered name on the dress) from the cabin.

Pulling Doug close, Garrett began back tracking towards his truck.

Garrett smiled when Doug glanced over to the bushes where he had hidden the groceries.

Grabbing the sack of groceries Garrett prodded, “Come on Eagle Nose.”

They stopped by a small group of rocks so Garrett could dig up a metal suitcase.

“Grab a shovel and help, will you Doug?”

Douglas gave him a patient look and hopped into the back of the truck next to the groceries.

Garrett swung the suitcase up into the back of the truck just as a huge explosion shook the ground.

Douglas let out an involuntary bark as Garrett yelled out, “What the Hell!”

Riley – Page 3

“Come on boy … up front with me!”

Douglas was quick on command.

On the way back to town so many thoughts were racing through Garrett’s mind.  Garrett was heading to his Safe House … something he learned early in his career … not even his sister knew. His parents had both passed away but, he thought maybe his mom had figured it out.

Thinking back to the problem at hand he pulled into the driveway of a small cottage. All his important assets were stored there in a large safe.  This house was gifted to him by a very savvy and old family friend.

Putting on a pot of coffee, Garrett checked on Douglas’s water and food dish. Douglas was fast asleep by his dishes with Violet sitting in his food bowl.

Taking his mug of coffee to the kitchen table, Garrett began writing down his thoughts:

There were 3 men & 1 woman going in and out of his cabin … carrying files, his computer and all of his cameras.

“Too bad for you that you won’t find the originals there,” Garrett joked out loud.\

He had looked for some kind of Logo but, decided not to waste too much time racking his brain as to why this was happening.

Instead he would head to the CDS.

He’d been retired for 3 years from the CDS (Crime Detection Squad).

Riley Page-4

Retiring young at age 51, Garrett had spent 30 years serving his country having been recruited while in college.

He’d been determined to reconnect with his family after retiring … his Sister Shelley & her husband Gary and their 3 grown kids.

He started a new career, he was a travel food writer with Douglas, “Traveling with Man’s Best Friend.”

Garrett had stayed in contact with the guys from CDS and couldn’t resist showing up from time to time when they needed a consultant. When it came to detangling a puzzle … he & Douglas are the best.

Before heading down to the CDS he put together a sandwich and filled Douglas’s bowl carefully putting Violet off to the side.

Douglas was silent on their ride to the agency while his ears were twitching out some kind of top-secret code.

His old team were relieved that they were unhurt in the explosion.  They were meeting behind closed doors in his old boss’s conference room. Douglas followed them into the room carrying a magazine in his mouth.

Randy his old partner took it from Douglas and teased, “Hey, you two made the front cover.”

“Yeah, on our last trip to New York we were eating outside so I set up the tri-pod to take a series of 15 photos while we ate.”

“Douglas is the obvious photogenic one … Hey! Wait a minute!” Randy said.

Riley – Page 5

“Look inside the restaurant at that table in the back,” Randy continued.

They all gathered around to look. Including Douglas.

There were 3 men & 1 woman meeting inside. “Isn’t that Rose Lee?” Dennis asked.

“She is suspected to have caused that bombing in Spain six months ago,” Greg offered.

Garrett’s old boss was already on the phone to his boss sharing the news.

Garrett used Randy’ phone to talk with his sister and let her know he was in hiding for now. Then, he and Douglas headed back to the safe house.

Four days later they were asked to return to the Agency.  Even Violet went along for the ride.

Randy shared the good news, “All four were captured this morning.”

“They were caught trying to leave the country at a small airport,” he added.

Garrett turned to Douglas and said, “Evidently they’re not smarter than you Doug.”

Douglas scooped up Violet & headed down the hall.

Garrett could only imagine what he was thinking.

Friday, August 10, 2018

While praying …
We are the Protection Squad

We stand bravely in the Gap for others ❤

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Just wondering, does tone of voice count when I'm praying for my enemies? :)

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Being a tiny speck in a vast … expansive … huge … cosmic … colossal … whopping Universe created by a God who cares about my every need … my every thought … my every tear & numbers the hairs on my head … and listens to my every prayer … Hey!  Don't let your heart be troubled being a teeny tiny speck is really no big deal … 💛 He's an awesome God!

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Evening Prayer ...  Dear Lord, please forgive my sins that I may sleep this night in peace. Amen.
Morning Prayer … Dear Lord, May I be kind this day. Amen.

Friday, August 03, 2018

"ELK Lovers …. ELK Lovers"  We put another Acrylic painting download of Donna Bells in our Etsy Shop it's called Landscape with Elk.  Please let us know what you think and thank you again for your shop visits … as always, Hugs

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Please …. pretty please will someone visit my Etsy shop so my total visits will change from 666 to a higher number … pleeeease? Thank you. Hugs

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fancy yourself "Reliable?"  Me too. Lately, the word "Reliable" has been tugging around the edges of my thoughts … the dictionary definition states it means consistently good in performance and has trustworthy qualities … behaves well and works well (to name a few) Wow!!! Suddenly I have a lot to think about and maybe change.❤

Monday, July 30, 2018

Yikes!!!  1 more day to take advantage of $1 to sign up as a Mannatech Associate … We'd not just be partners in business … we'd be friends and you'll be part of an amazing team devoted to your success. Please take advantage of this $1 in July sign-up.  Visit go to the Join Team and scroll down to the bottom where you'll see the $1 sign-up.....  go ahead take the plunge … I love this journey of Healthy Wisdom 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

My eyes felt like they were full of sand … Allergies!!! So I reached for my Manna-C and complete relief … I don't use Manna-C every day but, it is such a relief in this heat … chock-full of vitamin C and don't forget that July is the join my team and become a Mannatech Associate for $1 … just go to and click on the join team and scroll to the bottom … for Manna C it is on the home page. I love this stuff 💜💜💜 as always … hugs

Saturday, July 14, 2018

FREE product samples …. new... new... please visit … order your samples and let me know what you think … Hugs
Great ALLERGY Relief!  Manna-C …. just go to /329848 It's chock full of Vitamin C (don't forget if you want to sign up as an associate it's only $1.oo the month of July)  Just go to Join Team and scroll down to the $1.oo sign up. I look forward to seeing you there …. Hugs
Dear Friends …. please visit July is an exciting month to sign up as an associate for just $1.oo …. Yikes!  Please go to the Join Team and scroll down to the bottom for this July offer.  Thanks so much … Hugs

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

$1.oo to join as a Mannatech Associate during the month of July!!!  Yikes … very exciting. Please join me in this exciting Healthy Adventure to find your own path to good health. Visit  go to the Join Team and scroll down to the bottom for the $1.oo Associate sign up.  Easy Peasy. Hugs xoxoxo

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Cinnamon Mystery

Dad brought me home some cinnamon essential oil he found at a thrift store and I put it in my office difuser  thingy and got some on my hands … Dad and I took off for our daily trek to safeway and while in the produce section a nice young man moved closer and asked about my day … while walking past the tuna section a gentleman nodded saying, "How are you?"

I swear while in line the guy behind me was inching closer while asking what perfume I was wearing …. Yikes!

I'm not look'n … just say'n.

Do they make cinnamon clothing or shoes?

Thursday, June 28, 2018

True Genius

From the minute she gets up until she heads to bed at night … she's at her easel.  She watches other TV artists … leafing through photos or books & especially her own art instruction books. Looking for an inspiration for painting trees or mountains.

It's hard work to be a genius.

Her paintings are beautiful even with failing eyesight … and she's 89 years old.

If you want to be inspired and view Donna's popular art instruction books or download a print from one of her latest paintings please visit We'd love to see you there.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Building a Future

Yes …. I am building a future for my 90 year old folks and myself. Even with the good life we now have, I am thinking ahead. With my dad's good business sense and my mom's creativity we ventured out into an Etsy Shop where we have posted some great items … mom's pictures and downloads of her works … my exciting Jigsaw Puzzle Art .. Ha.   

I am thrilled to be doing my Mannatech Supplements as a business also … It's important to me to design my own future!

Especially at my age … I am a big supporter of many home businesses. I don't want life to just wash over me … I want to enjoy the swim.... I invite you to visit my websites and as always …             hugs xoxoxo  

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Never Give Up

Last year mom put her paints away thinking she'd never paint again …. her eyesight had worsen …. but, the pull was too great.  Out they came and to her surprise she is painting better than ever. She has published many popular art instruction books through the years but, I feel her paintings are just as fabulous now.  Please check out some of her newer works now at and enjoy a few of her previous art books.  Never give up … Hugs xoxoxo
                       If you're impatient while taking your blood pressure Yes, you are stressed.  Deep Breaths deep breaths

Friday, June 08, 2018

I now have 4 of mom's art instruction books in my Etsy Shop …  This has been so fun to do … and thank you sweet friends. Hugs xoxoxo 💚 

Thursday, June 07, 2018

I'd like to give a "Shout Out" to Kellin for her new Etsy Shop ….KindredConservator.Etsy.comlove your talent 🖌

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Please check out our "New Listings" at our Etsy Shop.  Thank you friends 💜

Thursday, May 31, 2018

"He's Always There"

I pray to be strengthened ... So I add more prayers to my walking

I prayed for wisdom ... and he lives in my thoughts

I prayed for a diet plan ... and God introduced me to better fasting

I prayed to love more ... He took me to his word

I prayed to feel peace ... I stepped closer to God

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

OMGosh!!!  Mom and I can't believe how many visitors we got at our new Etsy Shop .... Thank you.... Thank you!  We love you - hugs xoxoxo   We are inspired 💚

Monday, May 28, 2018

Thank you my friends .... I left off the "S" in studios .... Yikes!!!! What a difference.... here we go
Wow! Being an Etsy Shop newbie is pretty exciting .... I'm starting to skip meals ... Yikes!!!  Today we've added a few more listings and changed the prices on moms beautiful digital downloads. Thank you ... thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement .... Hugs xoxoxo

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Happy 70th Anniversary Bob & Donna Bell you are wonderful parents and loads of fun to be around ❤... love you!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Just Listed Today .... Yikes!!!  Donna Bells (my mom) new paintings which are available to be downloaded for prints ... Very exciting!!  Please visit my Etsy Shop
Thank you sweet friends for your encouragement xoxoxo

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Riley's Traveling Tips

While traveling and using public restrooms ... be sure to not use the stall that
has a plunger ... just sayin  😕

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Well Loved Words:
Okie - Dokie
Nook'n Cranny
Lickety Split
Cubby Hole

Thursday, May 10, 2018

"New" Etsy Shop !!!  I have put off sharing my new Etsy Shop with you my friends until I had a ton of stuff listed.  But, I need all your advice I can get ... Ha.  In the future I will be adding bible crossword puzzles for downloading ... paper dolls for downloading ... my moms paintings and they are gorgeous ... Go Mom !!! coloring pages, etc. etc.  so happily I ask you to give my Etsy Shop a visit ...  Thank you. Hugs for all 💜

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

"Allergies!!! Allergies!!! ... the sniffles???
Mannatech "Manna-C" has a great herbal formula with loads of vitamin C and works so quickly!
Please visit my site and order some to keep on hand. 
Just ordered mine ... hugs!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

In my quiet times, my thoughts & words are delicious ... dreams not yet born
    Sometimes our human nature loves any excuse to not be Kind ...throw off self-pity, false grudges or pride ... be Kind xoxoxo

Sunday, April 15, 2018

"The Full Circle"
From an infant to a Senior

Once again:
My teeth hurt
I'm not steady on my feet
Foods upset my tummy
There are restroom issues
I can nap anywhere (especially a car ride)
& I'm easily amused

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Do I long for my younger years?   Nah ... I wasn't really that smart! 
I like my smarter older years  "💡"

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Social Judging

Wow ... how can they afford that new car?

Why did that reporter change her hair? It looks awful

That actor has really gained weight ... I never watch his movies anymore any way

Did you see the color our neighbors painted their house?  It's Ridiculous

How many diets is she going to try?

I bet those aren't real diamonds

That dinner was too spicy ... I don't want to come back here again

That top looks terrible on her

I think they must be closet drinkers

Why do people come to a buffet and pile so much food on their plate?

etc. etc. etc. etc.

Social Judging is following the path of picking the fruit from the tree of good and evil. 
Let's change our paths & speak kindness 💜💜💜

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

When leading others (on the job or in your family life) ... be sure your path is littered with respect & kindness for others.  xoxoxo

Saturday, April 07, 2018

This last month I have been swimming around the edges of the abyss of that fluish-cough my folks have been suffering with. 
Yes ... I know all about immune protection ... I sell Mannatech Supplements but, I was not practicing what I preach .... until that 1st little cough burst forth.

EE- gads ... I even have Ambrotose (for immune support) on hand ... duh!

So I'm now taking it faithfully ... and so far so good.

Don't be like me please... don't wait ...  visit to order this immune support for yourself.

Let's partner together for a great Healthy Journey

Saturday, March 17, 2018

My "idea machine" works best when I'm trying to fall asleep ... 💡

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Do your creative ideas run around like maniacs in your thoughts when you're trying to rest? Grab a tote bag from your favorite grocery store and an over the door hanger and write those Pulitzer prize winning ideas down and trap them in your tote bag .... out of sight and out of mind ... ready for a power nap. Works for me ... xoxoxo 

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

 Like many seniors, I hate to sleep at night ... I have things I   want to do :) So, I put on my big old cozy robe and lay down on the bed and trick myself into thinking it's just a night nap ... works every time :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Are you a "SQUARE" dancer or go to Zumba classes or swim?
SPORT capsules will help you stay active during & after your activities ... SPORT helps maintain existing normal blood sugar levels with a blend of herbs and herbal extracts ... I take them every day & love them! If you'd like to order a bottle, please visit             Hugs & xoxoxo

Sunday, March 04, 2018

"Spring Cleaning" is not just for the house ... don't forget your health :)  Be sure to try Mannatech's Herbal detoxifying & cleansing support.  Delicious citrus or my favorite green tea flavored slimsticks ... you can find these on my website ... let's find good health together. Hugs xoxoxo

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A routine is full of gratitude and kindness

A rut is full of complaining & moods

Choose Wisely 🦉

Friday, February 23, 2018

Exaggerations are just "lies" that have had some acting lessons 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Early" risers or "Late" night bloomers ... God is but a whisper away 🕊

Saturday, February 10, 2018

"Thoughtfulness" is such a soothing behavior and good for the soul 💚

Thursday, February 08, 2018

I'm a "Moon Hog" ... whether I'm star gazing, walking or driving ... whenever I see the moon ... even a tiny slice of it ... I go  "Hog Wild" ... I love it 💛  
I've already called dibs on it  🌜

Thursday, February 01, 2018

During this "Love" Month ... start yourself a "Prayers Journal". I found a cool bendy leather bound Journal at Walmart.
Not where I'll post wants or needs but, prayers to God all day.
I'm starting with my night prayer - Forgive me of my sins this day ... that I may sleep in holiness & righteousness ... per chance to dream of thee. Amen.
Maybe your journal will be full of Thank you Jesus  & I love you Lord ... keep it personal and add stars or hearts or whatever makes you happy. 

Just don't get hung up on what color ink to use like I am!!!  Yikes ... OCD Leaner ... 💙

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Being "Generous" is like a healthy vitamin ... good for your heart ... 💛

Monday, January 29, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

We writers are like actors ... We spend time every day writing about places & people and adventures immersed in intrigue or romance. 

Of course minus the salary of Millions of dollars ... for most-of-us ....... YET!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Forgive me of my sins this day ... that I may sleep in holiness &  righteousness ... perchance to dream of thee. Amen.   🙏

Hummingbird "Divas" posing even in flight ... delightful  

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Remember the good-old-days of Art Bell every night and all we had to worry about was contrails and lizard people? 🛪

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

"Stay Focused" ... know where your chocolate is at all times   🍫

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Keep that "Christmasy" attitude all year .... be a rebel ... use your favorite Christmas mug all year  ⛾ 

Monday, January 08, 2018

If you are considering taking an Omega-3 or Vitamin D as part of your "Healthy You Journey" ... please consider ordering them from my website ... ...  Become a part of  "M5M" which is a great program wanting to link 5 million consumers with 5 million malnourished children.
With every product purchased it helps to feed those malnourished children in our world. When visiting my manna motion site please take a few minutes to watch the amazing video of this program and those beautiful children.
In my own little world I have a personal goal of helping feed 100 children (then 1000) ... a lofty goal yes, but it's my passion feeding those little ones.
Please join me ... if you're taking Omega 3 anyway ... how about teaming up together. 🥄

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Those Aching Diabetic Feet ... Yikes!

I already use Mannatech  "Emprizone" and "Firm" on my face & arms ... so I thought why not try them on my burning feet ... A thin layer of Emprizone and then Firm ... Wahoo... what a relief!!!  👣

Both of these products can be purchased at my website  

  💜💜💜 God is so near ... Always! 💜💜💜 As always, hugs xoxoxo