12 Days of Christmas Kindness
Day Two - Give out Christmas cards with festive tea bags
Day Three - Give out phone cards to the homeless
Day Four - Tip the dishwasher when dining out
Day Five - Treat all your family better than we do strangers
Day Six - Take an elderly neighbor on an evening drive to see the Christmas Lights
Day Seven - Give out Christmas Cards to your neighbors
Day Eight - Take Christmas Treats to the third shift at your nearest Nursing Home
Day Nine - Take extra umbrellas or gloves in your car to give away
Day Ten - Put a train set together for under your tree or on the dining room table
Day Eleven - Pass out fancy shoelaces in Christmas cards to kids
Day Twelve - Pass out Blessing Blankets to the homeless ( pray a blessing over them at home )
Remember, Jesus is enough ... Encouragement is like health food ... it nourishes those who are starving for pleasant memories. Small acts of kindness can fill in the empty holes.
My sincere prayer is that we would disarm the enemy with daily acts of kindness ...