Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Gambling Plague

Not everyone overeats.... drinks too much.... or gambles too much. But for those of us who have fallen into the addiction of gambling it feels like a plague.

Please allow me to offer an "Action Plan" that has been a positive step for folks I have counseled on this subject. I am not a certified anything....... I am just another gambler who has gotten a good handle on something that continues to affect my life.


1) Pray over your home (If you are homeless ... pray over your

2) Clean your home immaculately - Spring Clean

These two steps are great for making you feel more in control. Clutter adds to a feeling of being overwhelmed by everything.

3) Put all bills and any i.o.u.'s you can think of in a pile. Use
any tablet and take your time listing all your debts. Then put
them in priority order. Talk to God aloud about them.

"Dear God, I know my deep financial indebtedness is my own doing, but please help me to make a fresh financial start. Amen."


4) Lay your Bible and any teaching or devotional book in an area
easily accessible. Look up scriptures for help in lying... We
gamblers are expert liars.

* Putting light on my problem escalated the healing.

5) Being tempted is NOT a sin. When tempted SPEAK it out loud. When
we speak our temptation out loud it dies. It has no life. When
we play with it in our mind it takes over like a disease.

Speak Jesus name aloud in your home and car. (we have too much time to think while driving) Casinos are surrounded by legions from Hell ....... we have to walk through them to go inside.

6) Clean your car out ... get a hair cut ... concentrate on hygiene
and looking great (Its ok to think about you)

7) Put your faith in Gods faithfulness ... You don't have to bare
your soul to others... Just God. If God is leading you to talk
to others,maybe they don't gamble but they know someone who does.

Sometimes when I dared to tell someone that I had a problem (hoping for help)and what had happened they would say, "How could you do something so stupid?" I found myself compelled to go and win that money back in hopes of restoring my life ...I didn't want to be perceived as stupid. Opps, too late.


Have you just lost rent money?
Car payment?
Your tithing?
Grocery money?
Bill money?


I encourage you to follow your dreams ... so many times I quit writing because I was discouraged by others. But, without it I opened myself up to major temptation...

Replace gambling with a work you love (car repair, sewing, hiking..etc.) ----- God WILL restore the rest.

Gambling is a destructive lifestyle .. The obsession of thinking about gambling ... Every day sounds remind you of a machine ... The endorphine rush.

It is so hard to quit when you are so financially behind. We always want to wait until we are even. There is always a pull to get back what you wasted.

Getting even is not going to happen. Let God restore you.

I encourage you to pray daily: The Lords Prayer Matt.6:9 and Put on your Armor - Ephesians 6:13 & The Jabez Prayer 1Chron.4:10

You are indeed awesome.... LOVE yourself.

  💜💜💜 God is so near ... Always! 💜💜💜 As always, hugs xoxoxo